¡Las mejores pegas especializadas!

The best specialized glues!

Learn the 3 most important things you need to know before selecting the right adhesive for your tile installation.
Cuando va a remodelar su piso

When you are going to remodel your flooring

When you go to remodel your home one of the most expensive and laborious jobs is changing the floor. Today there is an immense variety of treatment...
La Cocina…el eje de tu hogar

The Kitchen ... the axis of your home

One of the rooms in the home that has evolved the most over time has been the kitchen. From being the ugly duckling that hid in the back of the hou...
Convierte tu baño en el espacio de relajación favorito de tu hogar

Turn your bathroom into your home's favorite relaxation space

The famous architect Louis Sullivan had as a postulate that form follows function. This mentality has been changing and we have seen that many spac...
W2000 MAXX™ de Weco®, una pega flexible para exteriores.

Weco® W2000 MAXX ™, a flexible outdoor adhesive.

I very often observe detached or broken tiles in outdoor installations. Among the most frequent are those of facades and garage ramps or residentia...
Weco® W2000 MAXX™, el mejor pegamento para instalaciones exteriores.

Weco® W2000 MAXX ™, the best glue for exterior installations.

Our Caribbean climate presents us with challenges that we must bear in mind when installing slabs. While it is true that we have the benefit that P...
Construye seguro con la Mezclalista W-350 de Weco

Construye seguro con la Mezclalista W-350 de Weco

I know that the "handyman" and the "handywoman" who follow me enjoy each stage of the process, when they are motivated to work from scratch on smal...
Losa sobre losa ¿Es posible?

Slab on slab. Is it possible?

Many have in mind that it is necessary to remove, devastate or churn the slab to place a new one, because previously available adhesives did not ha...
¡NUEVO! Weco® W800+ Durokryl™

NEW! Weco® W800 + Durokryl ™

NEW! Weco® W800 + Durokryl™ is an ultra-premium non-re-emulsifiable latex and synthetic rubber admixture for Portland cement mortars, concrete and ...
Crea acabados en cemento pulido

Create polished concrete finishes

We are at that time of year where we renovate our homes, and paint is still the most widely used finish for walls and ceilings. However, architects...
¡NUEVAS! masillas Weco® para construcción

NEW! Weco® construction putties

Flex Seal SL™ is a one-component, open-cure, polyurethane-based sealant. It is used as a sealing and insulating material in horizontal and moving c...